Sunday, October 18, 2009

The prevelance of the 'status quo' in articles

Article abstracted from: Daily News:
Headline: “Drug mule mom finally home”

“I've paid my dues, I am stronger, and I have changed my ways for the better”, typically those are words of an ex rebellious, defiant adolescent. Was that a bold, unfair, stereotypical, statement? Truth is, if we did not live in a world that perpetuates the status quo, ideologies and stereotypes, the story of a drug dealer mom would not have made headline news.
Joeleene Phillips is a mother of two, who arrived back in South Africa on Wednesday after serving almost three years in a Brazilian prison, for smuggling 3kg of cocaine in 2006.
Somehow the status quo does not concur that a white, middle class, South African mother can be involved in drug trafficking. Even though Philips eventually admitted that she was aware that she was transporting drugs, society would typically blame the Nigerian boyfriend, who fled after her arrest, for luring her into this shameful, dodgy activity.
We have all figured by now, that news is influential on public opinion in a range of specific and measurable ways. Therefore depending on how the story is told, the quotes chosen, information presented and whose point of view is represented, the story may promote a certain point of view. The story has taken a sympathetic approach, highlighting on sensational and emotionally expressive phrases and quotes. The information presented is largely Phillips ‘moving’ opinions.
This re-enforces the idea of stereotyping ethnicity's, genders and class positions in society. To some extent, the act of Phillips was deviant from the usual societal standards and expectations. Therefore it is written in a remorseful, repentant manner. The images used also bind this suggestion. Because of these ideological subconscious ideas being reflected in this article, Phillips story may come as natural, accepted and preferred in society.
